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 Welcome to the XR4Register website

The XR4Register at Charity Classic Show, Kimbolton - Sun 15th July 2007

This was our 2nd visit at Kimbolton. As last year was such a big hit with the motley crew, we were expecting a bigger turnout this year? The morning started cloudy and over cast and the weather report, once again, wasn't too promising! However, the Die Hards were not going to be dampened by what John Kettley and his weather crew may have to say.

John Bell was the first on our stand and decided on the stand layout whilst most of the morning was spent at the Main Gate by Bhav awaiting the trickle of the motley crew as the passes needed to be handed out. With everything in place, the stand looked good and everyone took off to have a wonder round the show and making the most of the 'wet free' period. The weather couldn't make up its mind if it was going to be gloomy or sunny as the sun did break through at times which elevated the temperatures somewhat. We weren't taking any chances though, Bob M had brought the Gazebo and Bhav had brought the sun shelter (that what it said on the box !), just in case.

Apologies in advance for the lack of quality of pictures as I, (Bhav) didn't get much of a chance to see the show or take many pictures; in fact most of the cars I did see were the ones getting in the main gates whilst handing out car passes. When I finally managed to get on the stand, I was holding the fort, meeting and greeting the inquisitive public who were reminiscing over the XR range on our stand... some things never change.

Most people had had enough of the rain fall we had recently, but some people just couldn't get wet enough... yes a water fight had started whilst people were washing their cars.? Pikey and Jot were the last 2 standing whilst others went to get dry. Pikey came off the worst so its 1-0 to Jot!

Lynsey sent the smoke signals over Kimbolton and just like at the Zoo, the marauding motley crew arrived in timely fashion... yes it was Barby Time ! Thanks to Paul and Lynsey for doing the necessary shopping and proving the utensils.

Talking of signals, the burping of the motley crew was over shadowed by the rumblings of the very dark clouds above us.? It was inevitable that the heavens would open up once the barby was at full cooking capacity.? Laura & Jaffa left just a few moments before the heavens opened up ! Luckily, every one managed to get under our shelter. There was no stopping the barby though, as more food was thrown on the fire by top Chef of the day... Lynsey.

The rain drops got bigger, the clouds got darker, the rumblings got deeper and the lightning got closer ! That and the migration of cars from most of the clubs was the signal to everyone that this was the end of the show. We weren't going anywhere! However, some of the kids (and adults) were scared of the loud crack and boom of the thunderstorm that we were perched under, enjoying a very nice barby ! Kev, Claire and the kids made a dash for it and had to go, we were all glad to see them come and make the most it.

Our main worry was, would we have enough time to take down the gazebo and shake it dry or would we be stuck here as it looked like it wasn't going to stop. An hour or so later, in a bare show field the rain let up. It was just a very light drizzle. The oncoming clouds sent a message that more was on the way and we didn't have much time ! This was it.... everyone did their bit and the stand was packed in no time. Just as we were deciding on which pub to visit, it started raining again. As we pulled out of the show grounds, low and behold, there were few pubs literally opposite the road. A dash to closest watering hole was made, where we were happy to drench our innards with a shandy....

Another Show over but at least it wasn't completely ruined by the rain.? The new faces at this years event were; Ralph and family, Clive, Dawn, Rebecca, Louise and last but not least... Laura. Also joining us was Caz and Dave who came for a flying visit as they were due to move house the next day!.Thanks to all those that visited, we are sure everyone made the most of it and enjoyed the show.

Show Report: Bhav

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