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 Welcome to the XR4Register website

The XR4Register at Classic Ford Show - Sun 10th June 2007

As the last 2 shows were a complete wash out, everyone had everything crossed that this show was going to break the mould. It was a cold and misty start, the day was looking gloomy, However it stayed dry and slowly the sky cleared with some hazy sunshine during the latter part of the day. Thanks to everyone who showed their car on the XR4 Register stand. Thanks also to Bob for providing the Gazebo and Jaffa for providing Caz with the Jaffa cakes..mmmmm!!.

In previous years, this show has been a firm favourite with our members, so once again we had a good turn out. We managed to squeeze 17 cars in. Gary B arrived in his Anglia Pop so with our stand fully loaded, we loaned him out to 'The National Street Hot Rod Association'.

A few new faces joined us; welcome to Les and his red XR4x4, Kieran with his black XR4i, Martin H joined his son Tom in his white XR4i and Fitz aka Top Boss joined us as well...... oh and not forgetting the usual motley clan!.

With Bhav at the gates with the tickets waiting for people to arrive, Jaffa and Caz got the ball rolling on a stand plan. Caz set Bob the task of working out how to put his gazebo up. Jaffa was in his element doing a 'Bhav Special' of moving everyone's cars a touch this way, to the left, straighten up, back a bit.....

There were a few cosmetic changes undertaken on the stand with someone telling Marcus he had his gear stick gaiter on the wrong way oops, so out came the screwdriver and was soon fixed. Al got the job of swapping Jaffa's old steering wheel over for John's 3 spoke one. With all the mechanicing done and dusted the day was complete.

Obviously as it's Santa Pod, no show would be complete without an XR4 Register Grudge Match. This year Al & Pablo were ever ready and raring to go so no encouragement was needed there!. Also joining Al & Pablo down the strip was Fitz in his Cossie 24v powered Twin Turbo RS500. Marcus in his clean MkI XR4x4 was up for it too. This was his first time down the strip, so he came back with a cheeky grin on his face. Gengis ran his concourse XR4x4 Twin Turbo and Bhav was the driver of Gengis's XR4i 4.0l known as WOO. It was a head to head against the Twin Turbo and a close call between them!. Pikey decided to take his MkI XR4x4 and then let his son Stephen (after recently passing his test) loose in the 4be for his first time down the strip. Luckily for Pikey, Stephen didn't manage to beat his dad's time and Pikey's 4be came back in one piece, but beware Pikey......Stephens time was close..... better get some practice in next time!

Motley Crew Member Car Best 1/4 Mile Time Car Profile Info
Gengis XR4x4 2.9 Twin Turbo 13.58 secs Click for more info on car
Bhav XR4i 4.0 Project WOO 13.92 secs Click for more info on car
Fitz aka Top Boss 24v Cossie Twin Turbo 14.1 secs - not listed -
Al 'Bart' XR4x4 2.8 Janspeed Turbo Track Car 15.02 secs Click for more info on car
Pablo XR4x4 2.8 Janspeed Turbo Track Car 15.4 Secs Click for more info on car
Marcus XR4x4 MkI 3.0 16.89 secs Click for more info on car
Al 'Bart' (again!) Sierra GT 2.0 17.1 secs - not listed -
Pikey Pete XR4x4 2.8 MkI 17.5 secs - not listed -
Stephen XR4x4 2.8 MkI 17.7 secs - not listed -

With the feedback received from most of the motley crew, it was a full 'double' thumbs up for this show, so we will definately be back next year once again!.

Show Report: Caz
Pics: Jaffa, John, Caz, Jot/Bhav

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