The XR4Register at the Restoration Show - Sun 11th March 2007
The show that kicks in the new show season properly is: The Restoration Show. A routine show for us so we were ready for it.. err.. sort of..
The motley crew were asked if they had any ongoing projects that could be done at this show but sadly, nobody came forward. With just one week to go, Bhav had recently bought this XR as a run around in addition to his XR8, so a project was sorted.
We decided to do major service on an XR. 'An easy task', we hear you say. However to some people this can be quiet daunting. But its not as nerve-racking as it may seem, in fact its Childs Play !
To demonstrate this, we got young Daniel and Stephen to carry out a scheduled 48,000 mile service in accordance with the manufacturer. They were a bit taken aback as they didn't know till the morning of the show !
With the check list on the board, the car secure on the jack and axle stands, the parts ready to fit. It was over to Dan and Stephen to crack on.
We left them to it, supervised but with no help. However, the young lads had many words of advise from all of the older crew members and some from the passing public.
This Year, the Resto Show wasn't as large as the previous years, nonetheless, it didn't stop people picking up a bargain or 2 ! A lot of clubs were now actively theming with some great Projects. The placing this year were; 1st Rilley OC, 2nd Dolomite OC and 3rd Morris Minor OC. Well done to them all.
On our project, Daniel and Stephen did a cracking job and everything was checked off the service list.. well all most, you will see by the pics as to who hindered their progress !
If you would like to hire these young 'technicians' then please drop their agents (XR4 Register) a line and we can come to some deal !
Now all that was left was to have the mandatory drwink at the yokel after the event.
Thanks to all those that attended including; Jaffa, Tom, Pete D, Pikey, Ando, Jot, Paul, Alan, Jerome and Rosco !! Yes he missed us so much that he even brought a round ! In fact, if he comes to any events this year with his XR4x4 Sprintex, Bhav will buy more than one round !!!
Show Report: Bhav