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 Welcome to the XR4Register website

The XR4Register at Sporting Escorts National Day - Sun 8th July 2007

It was getting a bit of a habit that every weekend was going to be a washout. The show season, as we know it during the summer months just hasn't materialised. The rain was non-stop during the week leading up to the show so it certainly looked like another washout show was on the cards.

A quick call to the organisers a few days prior the event confirmed that the ground at Stanford hall was firm to soft and the 'Show will go on'

Just what we wanted to hear. All systems go but as always there are some doubters who refused to believe that it would be a good show...ye of little faith! Tut!

Sunday am started a little hazy and over cast but as soon as we arrived at Stanford Hall, the sun was breaking through. We set up the stand and waited in anticipation for more of the motley crew to turn up but alas, it was just the faithful that made the day; Pete & Lisa, Marcus C and Bhav. We had the addition of Ralph and the twins who wanted to 'christen' their 'Brand New' Fiesta ST. Stu C of the Central Midlands XROC was disappointed, as he was the only one on their stand so we invited him and his XR3i on our stand. We we also joined by Dave with his XR4x4 so things didn't look too bad.. oh and lets not forget Ando.. yes Ando was there.. albeit for a few hours.. at least he was there and that's what counts. A big thank you goes out to you all.

The SEOC National Day is always a chill out day for us and we normally join in for the interclub challenge, which people always make excuses not to enter for fear of loosing their dignity ! Sadly due to lack of people on our stand and as our trainer 'Caz' was absent too, we didn't enter and decided to take on the extra time for topping up our tans. All wasn't lost though, we did scoop 9 fantastic prizes at the end of day Raffle ! Hoorah !

Yes we did say TANS as it was an utterly fantastic and gorgeous sunny day. The nice breeze which accompanied it made it a Quintessential summers day ! All those who had their doubts and didn't come along.. eat your hearts out ! Talking of eating, the only thing we missed out on was the traditional barby due to the lack of numbers.

Talking of Barby's, Ralph D was there with his Brand New Fiesta ST ! Its only fitting that it be christened at a Show with the XR4 Register ! On a XR4 Register stand ? I hear you shout.. well after all, it is badged up as an XR4 in Australia. They are shifting them quicker than they can supply them down under ! Come Ford, whats the crack with the XR name over these shores ? No doubt they are scared of its past success and they don't want to loose the ST branding now do they.. ! Nuff Said !

The show in its self was a good one again; there was a lot of turn from the SEOC group. Some fantastic Escorts were in presence such as the legendary RS1600 to the rare Harriers and not forgetting the works cars that were there too. Something there which everybody could relate to. It was nice to see the other Ford clubs with cars from the past and present.

A most enjoyable day was had by everyone and as usual, Geraldine (SEOC) has automatically booked our space for next year !

Show Report: Bhav
Photos: Jot & Bhav
Fisherman's Friend: Jerome!


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