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Gallery View of Profiles

Al (XR4i 2.8)
Al & Pablo (XR4x4 2.8 T)
Bob (XR4x4 2.9)
Chris (XR4i 2.8)
Dave C (XR4x4 3.1)
Dave W (XR4x4 3.7 SC)
Daz (XR4x4 3.0 T NOS)
Gary B (XR4i 2.8)
Gary C (XR4x4 2.8)
Gengis (XR4x4 2.9 TT)
Gengis (Project WOO)
Ian W (XR4i 2.8)
James (XR4i 2.8 T)
Jerome D (XR4i 2.8 T)
JFB Tech (XR4x4 3.0 TT)
John M (XR4i 3.0)
Ken GPS (XR4x4 2.9)
Marcus C (XR4x4 3.0)
Martin H (XR4x4 2.9 24V)
Paul B (XR4x4 2.8)
Phil L (P100)
Pikey (XR4x4 MkI 2.8)
Roscoe (XR4x4 2.8 SC)
Ross L (XR4x4 2.9)
Richard W (XR4i 2.8)

George Nielsen (XR4i 2.8)
John Hartman (XR4Ti 2.3 T)

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 Welcome to the XR4Register website

XR4 Register Brief History

It was decided to put together a brief history of how the XR4 Register was formed and also the purpose of a dedicated register just for XR4's.

The XR4 Register was formed in 1993. Originally part of the XROC East Midlands Branch run by Andy Spencer who was Branch Co-ordinator at the time.

As time progressed 1997-98 ish the XR4 Register was split into areas with Dave Wickens as the National XR4 Register co-ordinator; Midlands Area (Simon Deeley co-ordinator then also in 1999 Bhav Thaker with help from Phil Warner as Events co-ordinator), Northern Area (David Ashmore co-ordinator) and then also a Southern Area (Nick Fell co-ordinator) to meet the XR4 demand.

By 1999-2000 the above mentioned areas were amalgamated to one non geographic area. From 2000 Bhav Thaker & Phil & Annette Warner took on the challenge of running the XR4 Register. In late 2002 Caz Sabey joined Bhav with running the XR4 Register, whilst Phil & Annette slowly stepped down from their roles within the Register.

This brings us to 2006 where after helping to run the Register since 2002, Caz Sabey stepped down as Co-Support Secretary, Treasurer but continues to date, to help maintain the website.

From 2007 the XR4 Register has one main base (Bhav Thaker - Branch Secretary) and is still a non-geographic branch affliated with the XR Owners Club. From 2010 Caz stepped down from Treasurer duty but it still to date the web mistress, from this point on Simon Stephens is now the Treasurer. Click here for our 'About Us' page for current information.

So this now brings us bang up to date as of 18th October 2012, any and all association between The XR Owners Club and the XR4 Register shall amicably cease and as a result The XR Owners Club and The XR4 Register shall continue as two separate entities. This is a permanent change to the structure of both The XR Owners Club and The XR4 Register.

The XR4 Register will continue as we have always done, so why not give us a call and join in with the fun!

Please contact us at 
 with any comments          © Copyright XR4Register